Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Final Assignment

For this final assignment, I am working with James Barron.

It has now been three to four weeks since we started work on this assignment. To start this assignment off, we came up with some ideas and after about a week we settled upon a final idea to work on. The idea which we are working on is the idea of a city which has been destroyed by invading robots. We drew out some rough storyboards and wrote a script for out assignment so we knew what was happening and where, within our levels.

Below is the script for our assignment.

Title sequence-Pan around Destroyed Level

Finally Focus on Player Walkaround

Trigger flashback of him fighting

Player wants to find out what happened goes underground

Trigger flashback tells people to go underground

Walks downstairs Trigger flashback

Robots kill people Walks, other exit, wants to find control tower

Go to control tower Trigger event, take him into control tower Large screen, presses buttons Flashback Nice city, people walking Big ship overhead, dropship lands

Robots come out, start killingPeople -broken up into sections

People ask for help, ‘army’ turn up

Cut back to player control, walks around corner

Cut scene robots see that another is alive

Another dropship lands, robots come outPlayer control, robots appear Camera pans up, slow mo fade out.

The first thing that I did was to use previous Unreal Tournament maps to get some ideas about a destroyed city. After research was done, we then decided who was doing what for the first part of our assignment. It was decided that James would produce the first part of the city (destroyed and non - destroyed), and I would create a tubestation (destroyed and non- destroyed). It was while creating the levels that it was decided that we should only create the basic shell of the level and then get the scripting for our levels started as soon as possible because of previous problems seen in previous assignments. We would then go back to our levels towards the end of the assignment to make our levels more realistic. Once all my tubestation levels were complete and scripted, I started working on the second part of the city. I created some of the scripting for this map, James then took over while I created a small scene in a dropship.

With just one week left to go before it is due in, there is still a lot to do but it should all be completed in time.


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