Thursday, November 02, 2006

Battle Sequence

For this assignment, I had to create a battle scene using Unreal ED.

To start off I started thinking about an idea for a battle scene. I decided upon an idea to have a person infiltrating a base and a team of soldiers to hunt him down. There would be one more guard in a watch tower. He would take the role of the commentator as he would be letting us know what is going on.

I then went on to design a level. A settled with an idea that had 6 rooms, all relatively the same size. The theme that I chose was an underground base which stored vehicles. Three of the rooms had a vehicle in it and there were behind large door to give the impression that if these doors opened then they could move out onto a large battlefield.

Once my level was complete, which to be honest took me much longer than I wanted it to. I spent about 3-4 days creating the level. I did find through that once I started to script my battle, the pawns were tiny, so I had to spend a long time rescaling my level.

Once the level was ready I went on to create a battle scene. My first approach was to plan out a battle scene. Once this was planned out, I went on to create what I had down on paper. Creating what I had down on paper was alot harder then I anticipated, and alot of changes were made. For the first part I created a fly around of my level. When this is happening I had the guards moving around, as if they were patrolling the area. The last part of my fly around focuses on my commentator, who tells us that the base is under attack. I then have my attacker running across a walkway which spans 3 rooms. As he runs through each room, the enemy soldiers are firing at him with different weapons. Next the commentator tells the soldiers to group up and hunt down the attacker. I found this quite difficult so I decided that the attacker would fight the enemy soldiers individually. Once the enemy soldiers are dead, the attacker threatens the commentator and fires rockets at him, so the commentator turns and flees.

I have found this assignment very enjoyable but also very time consuming, with the repeated trail and error approach, and it doesn’t help when you have to continually watch the video over and over again. I have created about 4 minutes and 30 seconds of footage for this assignment.


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